Friday, March 20, 2020

Gods in the Iliad and their interactions with their disciples Essay Example

Gods in the Iliad and their interactions with their disciples Essay Example Gods in the Iliad and their interactions with their disciples Paper Gods in the Iliad and their interactions with their disciples Paper Essay Topic: Iliad These gods reactions are what allow the reader and many people of ancient societies to connect to these supreme beings throughout The Iliad, while also providing a sense of folly and comic relief. Their acts of vengeance, pity, compassion, and Jealousy all remind the readers that these divine beings are present in the world around them. While reading The Iliad, many readers understand that they are reading of divine characters and their dealings with the earth due to the godly, and prolific powers that these beings are shown to have. But, for characters so divine and all powerful these beings are quite trivial in their dealings. Emotions that are near uncontrollable in human life are seen fairly often in The Iliad. Violent emotions become a hazard when portrayed by the gods. Emotions like vengeance and rage can be heightened by their divine powers thus causing a threat to all of the humans under this umbrella of emotion. Vengeance, can be seen displayed by Apollo as he swept the fatal plague through the army (Book one, 77, line 11). This wrath was brought upon all due to Agamemnon disrespecting Apollo Priest on Earth. : Cherrys prayer is heard and vengeance is enacted on the Achaeans until the source of the league is discovered. This vengeance from Apollo shows that he has empathy and pride Just like the human characters and this connection to the mortal world allows him to enact his emotions in a humane imperfect way. Although these gods are separated from mankind with their divine abilities, and seem to be at times separate in their feelings for humans in general readers can see a sense of humane compassion in a lot of the gods actions. Even Zeus, the god over all gods and supreme ruler of the heavens, is shown to have compassion toward some of the mortals. Zeus decision making can actually be considered one of the most humane out of the gods on Olympus with many of his choices being based on his human qualities of pride, lust, and power. This humane compassion can be seen when Zeus son Sarandon is going into battle with Patrols. Sarandon is fated to die by the hand of Patrols, and although Zeus should understand the rules of fate he still feels the need to save his son from the death ahead of him. Even though Hear eventually convinces Zeus to consider otherwise, the fact that he considered saving a mortal son room the perils of fate that awaited him showed that Zeus did care for his lineage, and in fact almost defied fate in order to save Sarandon. Zeus is a prideful god although he has nothing else to prove, his power and might are worshipped constantly, and this thought that he must must be superior is what shows his pride in his lineage. When Zeus labels his son Sarandon as the dearest of all men and the man I love most, my own sour(Book 16, Page 427, Line 515) he is placing his lineage above all the other gods and pronouncing his superiority even over the inhabitants of Met. Olympus. His actions parallel with those made by humans in all societies due to mankind being a prideful species. People want to believe that their fore bearers are of the utmost importance on earth, and through this sense of pride the ancient Greeks were able to connect on a basic level to even the greatest of the ancient gods. None of Homers epic would exist if it wasnt for a few goddesses and their humane parallels. Examples of vanity and Jealousy are huge catalysts throughout The Iliad, and can be seen in many of the books and is especially portrayed by the goddesses Athena, Aphrodite, and Hear. These women compare heavily too modern day females vanity in their actions and reactions to their outside stimuli. The Iliad having been set 9 years into the Trojan War would never have reached this point theoretically if the war had never started. Thanks to the competition between the three goddesses on who was the fairest, Paris was given the most beautiful woman in the world. This woman, Helen of Troy so happened to be married to Menelaus and thus the taking of Helen is considered to be the catalyst of the Trojan War. Hear, Aphrodite, and Athena believing that they are each the fairest, hush show that they are humane and vain in their emotions. The choice that Paris made in this test affects his entire story as a character and creates an opportunity to show Hear and Ethanes other emotions, such as their Jealousy, and rage. Hear and Athena in an act of hatred and scorn towards Paris, a prince of Troy, side with the Achaeans in an effort to destroy Troy. These actions based on their feelings of disdain caused by their need to feel worshipped are a giant contributor to the war as a whole, and show their weakness for human emotions. These gods and goddesses arrayed by Homer are not perfect in any way, shape, or form, and due to these flaws with Jealousy, vanity, and anger these goddesses are relatable to the people of the earth and the many flaws that humanity carries. Society once again is connected to these superior beings not only because of their divine powers, and need to worship in order to receive sustenance, but also because of the feeling of similarity that these gods carry with society as a whole. Humans are a species that are prone to promises, grudges, and petty arguments; and due to these qualities inside The Iliad, he gods are depicted at the same emotional level as a majority of humans. Zeus, the ruler of the gods, is privy to keeping his word, thus Thesis wish, provided to her by Achilles, is granted and Zeus is from that point on, slightly favoring the Trojan. Although he is considered to be all powerful, Zeus still grants Thesis wish in order to keep his word on the favor that he owes her. With all of his divine power Thesis request could have been denied easily, but Zeus humane nature shows up in his decision and he makes his choice, therefore connecting him to the honorable ways of he society at the time. Heres anger created from Paris giving the title of fairest to Aphrodite is seen as Zeus enacts on his favor. Her grudge allows her to see nothing but red for the Trojan and in turn she becomes annoyed with her husbands decision which creates a mirrored situation to earthly relationships. Although these choices are extremely important to the fabric of the timeline, and fate in general, the gods are still depicted with a very comical and surprisingly human reaction to a situation/war that can cause the death of thousands upon thousands of people.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

LinkedIn Is it for Everyone Even Yoga Teachers

LinkedIn Is it for Everyone Even Yoga Teachers When I get interviewed or just talk to people about LinkedIn, one question I often get is, â€Å"Does everyone need a LinkedIn profile? Are there some professions where you don’t need one?† I typically respond that there are some job titles where having a LinkedIn profile is not essential for a job search. Nursery school teachers and plumbers might not find their jobs through LinkedIn, nor, probably, will nurses or doctors- at least not right now. And I still recommend that people have a profile. Why? For one thing, the professional world is constantly changing. Seven years ago, I was telling lawyers that LinkedIn was not the most important place for them to be for their job search. Lawyers are notoriously slow to catch on to emerging technology (most firms insisted on using the dinosaur WordPerfect for years after everyone else had switched to Word). But now most attorneys I encounter find value in LinkedIn, both in the realm of job search and for networking purposes. Why Yoga Teachers Need LinkedIn Profiles One profession that might not be an obvious choice for LinkedIn success is â€Å"yoga instructor.† But LinkedIn posted a blog on March 7 about Rebecca Mayne, a woman who built a thriving yoga business using †¦ yep, you guessed it †¦ LinkedIn. Rebecca did something many yoga teachers fail to do: she created a LinkedIn profile. Soon she discovered that yoga studio owners were looking on LinkedIn for teachers. They hired her! She then built her network by connecting on LinkedIn with her students, which led to a private session at someone’s workplace, followed by classes for the organization’s employees. Not only has Rebecca’s corporate yoga business exploded, but she is now training new teachers to do what she does. She was able to do all that because of LinkedIn. And I’m willing to bet that when a corporation is interested in hiring her, the first thing they do is look at her LinkedIn profile. What About Other Professions? A March 9 article from Wellesley College’s newsletter explored this issue as well. Overall, Wellesley students reported that they found the LinkedIn alumni group to be very useful in their networking efforts. One public health student, Sophie Gilbert, reported meeting with 10 alumnae for coffee, which gave her huge value as she was learning about her field. She also regularly reaches out to Wellesley alumnae in organizations that interest her- a practice that could very well lead to a job after graduation. Says Sophie, â€Å"LinkedIn can be quite helpful for public health even though there is no specific group for it. You can search for degrees like [Master’s in Public Health] or keywords that have to do with public health and find tons of alumnae who are working in this very broad field. Other than speaking with professors at Wellesley, LinkedIn is all there is for networking in public health.† Sophie Kerwin, in contrast, is a student curatorial research assistant interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in Art History, leading to a career in academic or curatorial work. She has not found LinkedIn to be valuable in pursuing an academic career in art history. Still, she has found it useful as a way to track the career paths of other academics and curators. She has followed a best practice of modeling her profile after theirs, a strategy I recommend highly. â€Å"More people from the museum world are utilizing professional networking sites, but few people from the academic world utilize them,† she said. â€Å"Most of the networking I’ve done in both fields has been in person [or] through connections I’ve made at Wellesley either in the Art Department or at the Davis Museum.† I agree, based on my experience, that the academic and art worlds have not embraced LinkedIn as fully as have some other professions. But that doesn’t mean they won’t, perhaps even within the next year. Why LinkedIn Can Be for Everyone For everyone, regardless of profession, LinkedIn can be a place to learn, network and explore. There are groups for almost every profession, and if there’s not a group for yours then you can start one. I’ll bet that â€Å"if you build it, they will come.† As the Wellesley article stated, â€Å"†¦ the site cannot replace other means of networking such as developing in-person connections or creating accounts with career-specific websites.† But that doesn’t mean you should not create a profile and milk it for all it’s worth.